The studies verified that each time carpet is extraction cleaned, most of the allergen contained in carpet is removed. The key to preventing allergen release into the breathing zone, and maintaining low allergen levels, is to regularly clean carpet. Carpet should be cleaned a minimum of every twelve (12) to eighteen (18) months in normal situations. Cleaning carpet more often can reduce the number of allergens in the home and prolong the life of the carpet
Today’s carpet fibers have been engineered to withstand soiling and stains as never before. Carpet should be cleaned before it begins to exhibit signs of soiling. Failure to regularly clean carpet could allow soil and allergens to build-up within the pile.
In addition to regular carpet cleaning, new treatments have become available which have been proven to be effective in eradicating dust mites. Some products containing benzyl benzoate have received mixed scientific reviews relating to their efficacy. To date, the most effective product brought to market is a product produced by The Ecology Works (1-888-353-2649 This EPA registered product, (Dust Mite Control) can be added to the rinse water of a portable extractor (Rug Doctor, Etc) and applied during the carpet cleaning process, or it may be applied as a separate treatment on a regular basis to prevent the accumulation of dust mite populations and their associated allergen.
Fungi (mold and mildew), also a primary allergen, is found in every environment. Numerous studies indicate there is no difference in airborne fungi levels above various flooring surfaces regardless of contaminant levels on/within the flooring surface. Other studies show that hot water extraction (steam cleaning) of carpet is much more effective in removing fungi from within the carpet pile than wet mopping of hard surface flooring materials.
Cat Allergen is less often blamed for allergic reactions in homes, schools and commercial environments because they rarely reside in these environments, but air sampling inevitably reveals the presence of cat allergen in most instances. Cat allergen is extremely small and remains airborne for long periods. It is introduced into homes, school, and commercial environments that do not house these pets on the clothes and garments of cat owners. Cat allergen can be an extreme irritant for those who demonstrate sensitivity to the allergen.
Recent investigations show that carpet cleaning reduces the amount of mite allergen in carpet by more than 90% with each carpet cleaning.
Allergy Daily Forecast Utah
American Family Physician
Carpets: Your Partner in Managing Allergens
Home Allergy Testing Kit
Carpet Bacteria
Most of the bacteria that is found in carpet is gram negative bacteria, a component of human skin scales (dead skin).